Saturday, December 01, 2018

Looking for help on building a cushion for this Stickley Brothers (Quaint) rocker or simply one that has slats like this one. I have an idea on how to make it, but just want to see if anyone has this type of chair and can offer assistance.

I found DIY Upholstery supply (See links below video) that has much of what I need to make this, but if you have a favorite please let me know.


Sherrill said...

I wonder if the seat slats are also not correct and only added to keep the “too small” cushion from falling through. What I would expect to see would be a frame that fits right on top of your corner braces. My Stickley references talk about a loose cushion which would be constructed in a manner similar to your incorrect one. Once upholstered, it would fit snugly into the chair seat frame. I have some photo rerences that I’d like to show you, but I don’t know how to attach a photo into comments.

Alex Dent said...

Concerning your chair, you could try contacting the fellow that does this blog, My 1923 Foursquare, as he does upholstery for a living.